
Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Third Sunday after Pentecost

the Rev. Phil Brochard

In this sermon, the Rev. Phil Brochard discusses the tension between Jesus and his family in Mark 3, emphasizing the urgency of his early ministry and the desperation of the crowds seeking his healing. Jesus faces escalating conflict with religious authorities and refutes accusations of demonic alliances with a parable about a divided house. He redefines family as those who do God's will, a challenging concept that his family eventually embraces, becoming key figures in the Christian movement. The sermon calls for collective dedication to God's will, responding to brokenness with healing and sacrifice.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran


the Rev. Phil Brochard

The Rev. Phil Brochard reflects on the disciples waiting for the Holy Spirit after Jesus’ ascension, emphasizing that they couldn't have anticipated the transformative experience of Pentecost. He suggests that authentic communication and connection, driven by the Holy Spirit, are crucial for Christians. The sermon encourages listening and loving communication as ways to bridge divides and foster deeper connections with God and others.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Fifth Sunday of Easter

the Rev. Phil Brochard

In this sermon, the Rev. Phil explores the metaphor of the vine from John's Gospel, emphasizing spiritual pruning as essential for growth. By removing life's unneeded parts, we focus more on deepening our relationship with God and building resilience in personal life and in community.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Fourth Sunday of Easter

the Rev. Phil Brochard

This sermon reflects on the symbolism of Christ as the Good Shepherd, an image prominent in Christian art and practice throughout the centuries. The Good Shepherd metaphor emphasizes Jesus' dedication to safeguarding his flock, offering reassurance and a sense of safety amidst life's challenges. The sermon encourages us to apply the example of the Good Shepherd in our own lives, accompanying one another to the difficult places and showing others that we are always worthy of help, love, and care.

Link to “The Call” podcast from This American Life, referenced in the sermon.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

Easter Sunday

The Rev. Phil Brochard

In this Easter Sunday sermon, the Rev. Phil Brochard reflects on the unexpected joy and fear experienced by the women at Jesus’ tomb. He explores how fear often silences us, preventing the sharing of transformative truths. Emphasizing resurrection as a continuous, unfolding reality, he invites us to trust that Jesus’ presence is always ahead of us, guiding us towards hope and new beginnings.

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Sermons Philip Brochard Sermons Philip Brochard

the Fifth Sunday of Lent

the Rev. Phil Brochard

Drawing from John 12:20-33, the sermon highlights the profound lesson of Jesus' death: true life springs from sacrifice. The narrative of the wheat grain dying to give life is paralleled with Christian discipleship's call for personal sacrifice. The preacher underscores the paradox that by dying to ourselves, we gain eternal life and true fulfillment. The message calls for introspection and readiness to follow Jesus’ example of sacrificial love.

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Sermons Philip Brochard Sermons Philip Brochard

the Third Sunday of Lent

the Rev. Phil Brochard

The sermon discusses the transitory nature of life, illustrated by the speaker's experience of clearing out his childhood home and the historical destruction of the Jewish temple. It emphasizes placing trust in the eternal—Jesus Christ's living and resurrected body—over temporary physical structures or relationships.

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Sermons Philip Brochard Sermons Philip Brochard

Ash Wednesday

the Rev. Phil Brochard

The sermon emphasizes the importance of Ash Wednesday and Lent as times for reflection, repentance, and remembering our mortality. It calls for genuine love, self-examination, and acts of mercy, urging listeners to live attentively and meaningfully, focusing on relationships with God, themselves, and others.

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