Welcome to All Souls
Why We Worship
Each week, we gather as a community on Wednesday and Sunday to worship God in prayer, music, and silence. Worship is a practice of lifting our hearts and minds to the greater life behind all that is good, and beautiful, and true. In a world that can often feel distracting, and senseless, and cruel, our worship serves to affirm and recollect our belovedness before God. We find that through the repetition of the sacred rituals of the liturgy, our hearts are slowly transformed in the process, fashioning us into more compassionate, just, and trusting people along the way.
Where we listen for God
We are open and progressive in our approach to matters of faith and social issues and we are rooted in the ancient Anglican tradition. This is a place where questioning is welcome, where you are not required to abandon your intellect or your doubts while you deepen your sense of faith. As we value the beauty and richness of our Anglican heritage of music, liturgy, poetry, and prayer, we seek fresh ways of bringing new life to that tradition.
Where we lift our voices, together
Our principal ensemble is our Choir and Angel Band, which helps lead the congregation in song and offers its own psalms, hymns, and anthems. The group draws in particular on an extensive library of music from the Anglican choral tradition, and on a vast array of American songs, hymns, and spirituals. Our singers and instrumentalists range from beginners to seasoned pros, and while we maintain a fun and informal atmosphere, we also work hard to sound good, no matter what we’re singing!

“Ring the bells that still can ring/ forget your perfect offering/ there is a crack/a crack in everything that’s how the light gets in.”
― Leonard Cohen
Where we share life together
Milestones & Sacraments
We follow the Book of Common Prayer as we hold these sacraments of baptism, marriage, and death central to our communal lives.
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