Theology in practice.
Music at All Souls puts this theology into practice, and reflects the diversity of our parish membership––we regard everyone gathered as an integral part of our worship.
In a single service, we may sing chants from Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or Taizé traditions; hymns from 16th-century Germany, 18th-century England, or 21st-century America; traditional, folk, and bluegrass music from the Americas; or African-American spirituals and Gospel. We take great joy in our inheritance from the past, as well as in exploring new music that may come to nurture those who will come to follow us in faith.
We blend the traditional with the contemporary.
Our principal ensemble is our Choir and Angel Band, which helps lead the congregation in song and offers its own psalms, hymns, and anthems. Our singers and instrumentalists range from beginners to seasoned pros, and while we maintain a fun and informal atmosphere, we also work hard to sound good, no matter what we’re singing!
We always welcome new members.
Most of us are not professional musicians. The ability to read music is not a requirement to join, but it is helpful. If you don’t read music, please listen attentively and try your best.
We usually sing in parts (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass). If you don’t know which part you sing, talk to Dent
We rehearse Wednesdays from 7-8:45 pm in the church. It’s a fun and informal atmosphere, but we take the time and effort to create a good sound no matter what we’re singing.
Instrumentalists can ask Dent about opportunities for playing in worship.