A spirit of generosity
Why We Give
We believe that giving is the heart of the spiritual discipline of generosity– our lives are transformed through the practice of giving things away. The collective contributions of our parishioners sustain our community in every sense–from keeping the lights on to providing dynamic programs to ensuring just compensation for all our employees.
Fall Pledge Drive
Answering the Call: 2025
Every fall the community comes together to pledge its financial support for All Souls in the next year. This December the Vestry will use the pledge total to budget for 2025, setting staffing levels, ministry budgets and building maintenance decisions. Pledges can be fulfilled over the course of 2025, but making a pledge today lets the Vestry plan for a vibrant 2025.
Where we lift our voices, together
Ways to Give
Many of our members make annual donations to the church in the form of cash and checks in the offering plate on Sunday mornings, monthly bank transfers, and stocks. Click below to learn more and to make a pledge or donation.
Like most organizations and households, All Souls makes plans for our ministry based on our anticipated financial and human resources. On the financial side, our budget is the plan we use, and pledges represent the most significant source of income in our annual budget. We need your pledge so that we can plan and budget for our ministry with your generosity in mind.
We encourage you to pledge an amount that represents a proportion of your income. Many people find a “tithe,” the scriptural ten percent, to be a helpful framework. Inevitably proportional giving raises a number of questions such as:
-Should the proportion be pre-tax or post-tax income?
-What if I already donate to other charitable organizations, should those be included in my proportional gift?
-My income is volatile, because I work on billable hours or commission, does direct proportional giving still apply to me?
There is no single correct answer to these questions, but the place to start is in prayer. Our giving is a response to God’s generosity and an acknowledgement that our possessions are not really ours, but only ours to use. Whatever you pledge, know that you are joined by your fellow parishioners and we are confident that you will experience spiritual growth from offering from your “first fruits” to further God’s work in the world.
Setting aside a proportion of your income for God’s work is a discipline of the spirit. As such it might seem like a big step to take. We recommend that you discern in prayer at what level you would like to give and set a plan to get there over 3 to 5 years. Take a look at this sheet to have an idea of how these different percentages might play out for you.
Over the past several years, pledges have contributed between 75% and 80% of our expenses. In 2025, the loss of income from the Jordan Fund and of rent from the preschool space will increase our reliance on pledges. In our target 2025 budget estimate, pledges make up about 88% of the income.
It is a meaningful spiritual practice to give something of what we have back to God’s work at each service, even if we give $1 per week. Pledging, however, can be a more conscious and intentional practice of giving of your resources and allows All Souls to budget its expenses for the year.
You are welcome at All Souls no matter what you choose to give. We do ask that if you believe in the work that this church is doing, you make a pledge to sustain and expand the ministry of All Souls. Many who pledge say that they feel even closer to this community by committing to help support it financially.
Absolutely! Please follow your employer’s process and if you have any questions contact the parish office, allsouls@allsoulsparish.org.
A member of the clergy or stewardship team would be happy to talk and help you find answers to your questions. Reach out to the parish office to get the conversation started.
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