Food Justice
Open Door Dinner
In 1995 All Souls joined other faith communities in Berkeley in cooking a monthly hot delicious meal for anyone who is hungry. Every second Sunday of the month, a group of All Soulsians and friends make jambalaya from scratch, serving dinner for anyone in need. If you’d like to serve as part of an Open Door team, please click on the button below to email us. We’d love to get you involved.
Project: Sandwich
When the Shelter-in-Place orders went into effect as the Covid-19 pandemic began, many people in the city of Berkeley lost access to food. After conversations with those living in the encampments around the city, we began Project: Sandwich, an initiative to bring needed nourishment to residents around Berkeley. Each week All Soulsians made sandwiches and packaged them with water, fruit, and granola bars, then delivered the food to people who needed it most. Over time, the support included clothing, cold-weather gear, and prayers.
Berkeley Food Bank
For decades All Souls has weekly supported the Berkeley Food Pantry. Every Sunday during worship we bless the gathered non-perishable food: cans of soup, jars of peanut butter, cans of tuna, and boxes of granola bars. As well, once a month parishioners collect bags of groceries from members’ front porches, delivering all of this food to Berkeley Food Pantry at the Friends Church on Cedar and Sacramento. When you join us on a Sunday morning bring an item or two of food to share so that everyone at the table can be fed.