
Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Second Sunday in Lent

Emily Hansen Curran

The speaker confesses their past as a devoted Republican, raised to believe in a Christian culture war. Over time, they realized that political victories do not equate to living out Christianity. Instead of seeking power, they argue, believers should follow Jesus' example of love and service. Drawing from scripture, they emphasize that Christian citizenship is in heaven, not in earthly political struggles. They challenge the audience to replace a mindset of "winning" with one of love, justice, and humility, cautioning against the dangers of prioritizing dominance over discipleship.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

Emily Hansen Curran

Emily Hansen Curran reflects on the story of the rich man, emphasizing that following Jesus is not about achieving or possessing but about being vulnerable and interconnected with others. Her sermon critiques the rich man's belief that he can achieve eternal life on his own through wealth or status, showing that salvation is a matter of emptying oneself and living in a "Kingdom economy" of humility and dependence. Jesus teaches that eternal life is gained through letting go of power, possessions, and privilege, and sharing with those in need.

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Sermons Emily Boring Sermons Emily Boring

the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

Emily Hansen Curran, Associate for Ministry Development

This week's sermon from Mark 6 discusses the story of King Herod beheading John the Baptist. Herod, drunk at his birthday party, promises his daughter Salome anything she wishes. Influenced by her mother Herodias, Salome asks for John the Baptist's head. Though grieved, Herod fulfills her request. The sermon emphasizes the importance of listening to prophetic voices that speak restorative truths, despite the cost. It challenges us to live with integrity and protect the vulnerable. Despite obstacles, Jesus' subsequent miracles affirm that God's truth will ultimately prevail.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the First Sunday after Pentecost: Trinity Sunday

Emily Hansen Curran

Emily Hansen Curran, our Associate for Ministry Development, discusses the story of Nicodemus and the concept of being "born again.” She reclaims this phrase and emphasizes that it involves a profound personal and communal transformation. Her sermon highlights that true spiritual rebirth requires embracing uncertainty, vulnerability, and a willingness to start anew. Emily underscores the importance of community in supporting each other through this journey of faith​​.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

Palm Sunday

Emily Hansen Curran

The sermon explores Jesus' nonviolent approach to confronting violence and empire, drawing from Walter Wink's ideas. Jesus chose not to mirror violence but to stand against it with a heart of flesh, symbolized by his peaceful entry into Jerusalem on a donkey. This act challenges us to confront injustice not with aggression but with compassion and understanding, highlighting Jesus' alternative way of life that emphasizes love and nonviolence.

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Sermon Archives ––––

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