
Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Last Sunday after Epiphany

the Rev. Emily Boring

Karl Barth, a Swiss theologian, preached in Basel Prison between 1954 and 1964, finding deep meaning in bringing the gospel to the outcasts of society. He focused on the idea that looking to Christ brings radiance and removes shame, emphasizing joy and divine light rather than suffering. The sermon then explores the Transfiguration, where Jesus’ face and clothing shine gloriously before Peter, James, and John. This event, echoing Moses’ radiant face after encountering God, reveals that divine presence is not confined to sacred spaces but is always with us. Peter’s desire to build dwellings reflects humanity’s longing to preserve divine encounters, but Christ’s presence ensures God dwells among us always. In Christ, we shine—not by our own efforts, but by reflecting his divine radiance.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

The Rev. Emily Boring

This sermon was preached the Sunday after the 2024 presidential election. The Rev. Emily Boring draws on the themes of light, resilience, and justice, encouraging the congregation to reflect on how Christ’s teachings call them to protect the vulnerable, stand against injustice, and find unity amid divisive times. Using the story of the widow’s humble offering, she urges followers to examine their actions, advocating for compassion, solidarity, and active faith. The sermon ends with an invitation to hold vigil in community, embodying enduring love and hope.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost/Feast of St. Francis

The Rev. Emily Boring

In this sermon, preached on St. Francis Day, the Rev. Emily Boring explores the story of Ananias and Sapphira from Acts, emphasizing the dangers of deceit and selfishness with worldly possessions. She contrasts this with the life of St. Francis, who embraced poverty to live in accordance with his values and devotion to God. She calls the congregation to reflect on their relationship with wealth and stewardship, urging them to align their resources with their faith and values, finding freedom in generosity. The sermon concludes with St. Francis’s famous Peace Prayer.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

The Rev. Emily Boring

The sermon explores the questions, What happens when our plans and expectations are upended? Do we carry our own, narrow view of who Jesus is and what justice means? The Rev. Emily Boring explores her personal reaction to a New York Times article about the role of the evangelical church in spreading conservative political views. She reflects on her own privilege and the importance of empathy and humility in approaching political and religious differences. Drawing from Mark’s Gospel, she emphasizes how Jesus subverts human expectations of power and greatness, encouraging believers to challenge their assumptions about God’s plan.

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Sermons Emily Boring Sermons Emily Boring

the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

the Rev. Emily Boring

Emily's sermon reflects on Jesus' declaration, "I am the bread of life," exploring its comforting and profound significance. It delves into the multifaceted symbolism of bread as nourishment, memory, and spiritual sustenance. The sermon also examines the varied responses to Jesus' message, focusing on Simon Peter's momentous declaration of faith. It concludes by emphasizing that Jesus' invitation to eternal life is not a demand but a gracious offering of fullness and connection with God.

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Sermons Emily Boring Sermons Emily Boring

the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

the Rev. Emily Boring

The Rev. Emily Boring, a former marine-biologist-turned-priest draws from her ichthyology background to discuss the Gospel passages of Jesus feeding the 5,000 and walking on water. She emphasizes the significance of boundaries and human limitations, highlighting how these moments of scarcity and fear become transformative experiences of God's abundance and presence. The sermon encourages a humble curiosity and openness to going to the limits of human knowing and resources.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Third Sunday of Easter

the Rev. Emily Boring

Focusing on the ministry of presence, the sermon illustrates how small, physical gestures can offer immense comfort during crises. Through stories from hospital chaplaincy, the speaker describes how simply being present and offering physical tokens of comfort, like holding a hand or providing a quiet presence, can deeply affect those suffering. This approach demonstrates the deep impact of embodying Christ's compassion and presence.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Great Vigil of Easter

The Rev. Emily Boring

Reflecting on her first Holy Week at All Souls, the Rev. Emily explores the deep connection between personal faith and communal expression. The sermon delves into the emotional journey from Good Friday's solemnity to Easter Vigil's joy, illustrating how communal practices can mirror and magnify personal spiritual experiences. It concludes with a powerful message of unity and hope found in the shared celebration of Christ's resurrection. As members of Christ’s resurrected Body, we are never alone in our darkness or despair.

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Sermons Philip Brochard Sermons Philip Brochard

the Fourth Sunday of Lent

the Rev. Emily Boring

The Rev. Emily Boring reflects on what it means to trust in the living and resurrected body of Jesus the Christ. What does this trust offer us in times of fear, uncertainty, grief, and change? It draws on the work of German theologian Paul Tillich, who writes about sin as the state of separation: separation from true self, from others, and from God. To trust in the body of Christ means trusting that connection, relationship, and love are stronger than separation, and acting from that conviction. Emily reminds us that we are the living body of Christ in the world, and asks the listeners to consider what that identity calls us to do.

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Sermons Philip Brochard Sermons Philip Brochard

the First Sunday of Lent

the Rev. Emily Boring

The sermon addresses the Lenten themes of wilderness, suffering, and hope. It encourages viewing Lent as a time for reflection, self-discipline, and reorientation towards God. The preacher emphasizes the importance of acknowledging suffering while also focusing on the transformative power of hope and the promise of Easter.

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