Adult Formation

Adult Education

Led by both lay persons and clergy, our adult educational programs provide forums for personal as well as spiritual exploration, all while deepening our understanding of the Gospels and how to live out their message. 

Recent class offerings include Christian Mysticism; Mission, Race, and Empire; the Jewish Roots of Christian Practice; Reconsidering Sin & Salvation; Whiteness as Idolatry; Gender, God, and the Church Today; 12 Greek Words Every Christian Should Know, and much more.

Adult Formation

Led by both lay persons and clergy, our adult educational programs provide forums for personal as well as spiritual exploration, all while deepening our understanding of the Gospels and how to live out their message. 

Previous class offerings include the spiritual teachings of saints, the study of eco-theology, the Gospel of Matthew, the Easter Vigil texts, the historical and theological underpinnings of the current Anglican-Episcopal controversy, and much more.

Bible Study

Reading Between the Lines is a lectionary based life-centered biblical study curriculum designed for small groups that we use for our weekly Bible Study classes. Using one of the texts from the Revised Common Lectionary, the exploration begins with encountering the story found in the biblical text, with the focus then shifting to show how this story is happening in the world around us. Finally the questions turn to how the story is an event in the lives of the people in the group. The journey through the text seeks life-giving questions that wait to be lived. Our weekly Bible Study meets on Sunday mornings at 7a (in our Common Room). Drop-ins welcome.

The Catechumenate

Every Lent we teach our Catechumenate, a class that is meant to prepare folks for baptism and Confirmation or just a refresher on what it means to be an Episcopalian. The class covers the basics of Anglican history, theology, church governance, how to read the Bible and how to use the Book of Common Prayer. We usually teach this class during the five weeks of Lent on Sunday evenings.

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