Children and Family Ministry
“Let the little children come to me and do not stop them.” (Matthew 19:14)
Children, youth and families are central to our life at All Souls Parish. On Sunday mornings, you’ll find coloring sheets and crayons in each of the pews, soft spaces for kids to move around and play during the service, and a space set aside for them in our side chapel. These are just some of the many ways we seek to celebrate and include children in our communal life. Learn more about our programs below.
Sunday School
We offer two concurrent Sunday School sessions: Godly Play (Pre-K to 1st grade), and Faith Explorers (grades 2-5).
Both take place during the first part of our 10:30 a.m. service.
Children meet in the downstairs classrooms at the start of the service. Classes run ~45 minutes, and children rejoin their families in the sanctuary at the “Peace.”
Godly Play (Pre-K to 1st grade)
Godly Play is a Montessori based approach to spiritual formation that includes storytelling, prayer, art, silence, and ritual. The curriculum serves as an introduction to the life of faith, the rhythm of worship, and a sense of belonging in spiritual community.
Faith Explorers (grades 2-5)
Designed for slightly older children, our Faith Explorers curriculum picks up on the Godly Play themes of wonder, curiosity, and hands-on learning. Children explore the “big questions” of life and faith through games, artwork, drama, and science.
Faithful Families
Faithful Families is a monthly gathering for families with children. We gather beginning at 5:30 for dinner together, then we have a short intergenerational formation activity, and we end the evening with a short contemplative prayer service. Past topics have included music, art, saints, acting out the worship service, and more.
Schedule for the 2023-24 year is forthcoming. Check back here, or sign up for our newsletter for updates.
Questions about children, family, or youth? Email our Associate Rector, Reverend Emily Boring (emilyb@allsoulsparish.org)
Extra Resources
Justice Resources for Kids
Here’s a list of books for ages 0-8 on racial justice, gender inclusion, and activism.
2023 Advent Booklet
Click here to download our interactive booklet for guided Advent prayers and reflections.
Learning with Kids
Click here for resources on sharing with your kids about generosity, Scripture, gratitude, and sabbath.