Racial Justice
All Souls for Racial Justice
In All Souls Parish we believe that all people are made in the image of God. And, we also understand that through the idolatrous and pernicious practices of racism, this fundamental truth is distorted, twisted, and denied. For many years at All Souls we have been grappling with what some have called America’s original sin, including when our rector traveled to Alabama to participate in the March to Selma. And, the murder of George Floyd in 2020 by a Minneapolis police officer catalyzed our desire to to learn more deeply about the origins and effects of racism and to act on this learning.
Over time, led by the All Souls for Racial Justice team and others, we’ve learned through classes like Whiteness as Idolatry, The Lived Experiences of People of Color, Carrying the Cross Together, and Jesus, and Power, and Privilege. We’ve walked alongside others at Black Lives Matter protests, rallied against white supremacy, and most recently have begun the Isaiah Project, a process towards racial reparations.
We invite you to join us on this journey towards repair and restoration, by taking a class, watching a film with, or through service with others. Together, we can be healers of the breach.
Racial Justice Adult Formation
Jesus, Power, and Privilege
by the Racial Justice Team
October 1-October 15, 2023