
Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Harlowe Zefting

This sermon reflects on eschatology, exploring how Jesus describes the world's suffering as the "birth pangs" of a new creation. It emphasizes the "already and not yet" tension of God's promise, encouraging Christians to act against pain and oppression while awaiting the fulfillment of God’s ultimate plan. Despite fear and anxiety, the message is one of hope, imagination, and active faith in God’s unfolding renewal.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

The Rev. Emily Boring

This sermon was preached the Sunday after the 2024 presidential election. The Rev. Emily Boring draws on the themes of light, resilience, and justice, encouraging the congregation to reflect on how Christ’s teachings call them to protect the vulnerable, stand against injustice, and find unity amid divisive times. Using the story of the widow’s humble offering, she urges followers to examine their actions, advocating for compassion, solidarity, and active faith. The sermon ends with an invitation to hold vigil in community, embodying enduring love and hope.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

All Souls/All Saints Day

the Rev. Phil Brochard

This sermon examines how eternal life, a promise held by believers now, can coexist with death. Using the story of Lazarus, Phil+ reflects on Jesus’s grief and anger toward death, showing God’s empathy with human sorrow. Drawing on Sandra Schneiders, the sermon urges believers to avoid despair, embracing life together in faith, love, and unity amidst division and loss. Jesus's command to unbind Lazarus symbolizes the need for communal support, suggesting that eternal life is lived through shared hope and mutual care.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost

The Rev. Phil Brochard

This sermon explores the themes of greatness and giving, using the Gospel of Mark and the communal practices of Taizé as examples. The disciples, James and John, misunderstand greatness, seeking power and prestige, while Jesus teaches that true greatness lies in service and self-sacrifice. The Rev. Phil challenges the transactional view of Jesus’ death and emphasizes that his sacrifice is an act of liberation, not payment. This view calls for giving that sets others free. The message applies to personal, political, and spiritual contexts, urging a shift from self-serving power to liberating service.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

Emily Hansen Curran

Emily Hansen Curran reflects on the story of the rich man, emphasizing that following Jesus is not about achieving or possessing but about being vulnerable and interconnected with others. Her sermon critiques the rich man's belief that he can achieve eternal life on his own through wealth or status, showing that salvation is a matter of emptying oneself and living in a "Kingdom economy" of humility and dependence. Jesus teaches that eternal life is gained through letting go of power, possessions, and privilege, and sharing with those in need.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost/Feast of St. Francis

The Rev. Emily Boring

In this sermon, preached on St. Francis Day, the Rev. Emily Boring explores the story of Ananias and Sapphira from Acts, emphasizing the dangers of deceit and selfishness with worldly possessions. She contrasts this with the life of St. Francis, who embraced poverty to live in accordance with his values and devotion to God. She calls the congregation to reflect on their relationship with wealth and stewardship, urging them to align their resources with their faith and values, finding freedom in generosity. The sermon concludes with St. Francis’s famous Peace Prayer.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

The Rev. Phil Brochard

This sermon reflects on Jesus’ teachings about power and humility in Mark 9, where he holds a child while instructing his disciples on true greatness in God's kingdom. The disciples, shaped by a world that values coercive power, argue about who is the greatest, but Jesus teaches them that true power is found in service, especially toward the powerless. Jesus’ strong language warns against actions that harm the vulnerable, urging his followers to live by a different kind of power—one of compassion and healing. The sermon concludes by encouraging the congregation to resist worldly instincts for domination and instead embrace Jesus' radical call to serve and protect those at risk.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

The Rev. Emily Boring

The sermon explores the questions, What happens when our plans and expectations are upended? Do we carry our own, narrow view of who Jesus is and what justice means? The Rev. Emily Boring explores her personal reaction to a New York Times article about the role of the evangelical church in spreading conservative political views. She reflects on her own privilege and the importance of empathy and humility in approaching political and religious differences. Drawing from Mark’s Gospel, she emphasizes how Jesus subverts human expectations of power and greatness, encouraging believers to challenge their assumptions about God’s plan.

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