Church Meet State

Many years ago, I learned that in ancient Greek culture, the polis was the geographic and democratic space in Greek cities where the concerns of common life were discussed. It was in that physical space (with the few who were allowed to be there) that things political, the issues of the day that affected the broader community, were engaged.

While in our contemporary usage political has often become synonymous with partisan, it’s from this earlier perspective that I will be leading a two-week class on the fraught and critical interplay between Church and State.

On October 13th and 20th, I will be joined by two All Soulsians in conversation, Jim Copeland, and Dr. Christine Trost. We will discuss a number of things political––historic responses by Christian communities, our background as Anglicans and Episcopalians, Christian nationalism, and our own response and responsibility as parishioners of All Souls in Berkeley. In all, we will be considering how we as individual Christians and we as Christian communities should be engaging in the political sphere.

A few words of introduction about Jim and Christine for those who may not know them or of their work. Jim Copeland began his time working in the political sphere as the Chief of Staff for the newly elected congressional representative Pete Stark. Over time, Jim served in a variety of capacities, but his life shifted in 1975 when he worked on the Jimmy Carter presidential campaign team in California, eventually serving in the Carter Administration as a liaison to Capitol Hill. As a lifelong Christian and experienced observer of politics in the United States, I am particularly looking forward to Jim‘s reflections on the challenges, opportunities and pitfalls of Christianity in the public sphere.

Dr. Christine Trost serves as the Executive Director of the Institute of Governmental Studies and Robert T. Matsui Center for Politics and Public Service at the University of California, Berkeley. Not only does Christine lead the Matsui Center efforts towards teaching students about bipartisanship, (this sermon illustrates how that comes to life), but she also is in regular conversation with elected officials as she leads young scholars from Berkeley to both Sacramento and Washington DC to meet with elected representatives. I also am very much looking forward to being in conversation with Christine as she reflects on how we support one another as we try to live as faithful Christians in an ever-polarized society.

Please join me, Jim, and Christine on October 13th and October 20th at 9:15am in the Jordan Court Community Room. We will consider the role of Christian communities not only for Tuesday, November 5th, but for the next day, November 6th and the days, weeks, and months to follow. On October 13th and 20th consider with us this critical question so that together we can live out our answers.



Five Hundred Letters for “Souls to the Polls”

On September 29, 2024, Building Interfaith Bridges (BIB), a ministry to build interfaith relationships, hosted its first hands on project and it was a resounding success! Thirty people from St. Paul’s AME, Congregation Beth El and All Souls Parish sat down together with the goal of writing 500 non-partisan letters in 3 hours. People were asked to complete 20 letters and envelopes addressed to registered voters in Nevada. The letters provide election and voter registration information, polling locations and mail in ballot deadlines.

Fueled by chocolate cake, fruit, popcorn and other delicious snacks, we all brushed up on our best handwriting skills and got to work! By 3 p.m., the letters were complete, or mostly complete. BIB Council members tied up the loose ends and the letters are in the mail.

Huge thanks go to St. Paul’s AME, for providing a spacious, cool and inviting space; BIB Council members who arrived early to handle set up; Susan Zarchy our designated Super Volunteer, who connected us with Vote Forward, Anna Fogelman, our communications guru, who kept all of us connected electronically during the planning stages and afterward, and Kim Wong who made 2 delicious cakes. Finally, a particular shout out of thanks to Janet Chisolm. Not only did she come on Sunday to write letters, but she has also organized many All Soulsians to write non-partisan letters, inspiring us to Boost the Vote and get Souls to the Polls.

If you have an idea for a future BIB project, please speak to Bonnie Bishop or Paul Mathew any time. At the moment, the BIB council is considering volunteering with Richmond Tiny House Garden and Farm project, but we are open to all ideas. Meanwhile, we continue to build relationships.

–Bonnie K. Bishop

Notes from the Vestry: September 2024

Hello All Souls Family!

This month in Vestry we discussed stewardship, kinship groups, the benefits of Realm, and the health of different committees. To start off the meeting Jenny led us in a wonderful reflection around what sometimes gets in the way of giving and times that we were more generous than we thought we would be.

This led into a fruitful discussion around stewardship led by Richard Lynch. He led us through the information around pledging that he presented to the church community, and around what is possible with different sums of money for church growth. Emily Hansen Curran followed this discussion with an update on the creation of more kinship groups and her hope to create two more. There has been momentum in people wanting this form of community building, and the Vestry agrees it is important to nurture this growth. 

There was also a discussion around the Justice and Peace Committee and the Communication Committee. There is still a need for helpers for Open Door Dinner if anyone is interested in helping out! The Communication Committee is still in need of more people for growth and sustainability. 

The Rector report included the news that a potential tenant for the preschool space is the Early Childhood Education Program from University of California Berkeley! This is exciting news and we hope to move forward with this partnership. Another piece of news is that Bob Cross has resigned from his position in the Vestry. Lastly, we are excited to welcome Matt Wolka as the Associate for Music. Thank you for reading! 

–Jill Ofoegbu

Invitation to Baptism at All Souls

The Book of Common Prayer (1979) suggests particular days throughout the year when baptism is especially appropriate: the Easter Vigil, on the Day of Pentecost, on All Saints' Day or the Sunday after All Saints' Day, and on the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord. One of those occasions is coming up next month!

We will celebrate our church’s title feast, the Feast of All Saints/ All Souls, on Sunday November 3rd. In our liturgy, we’ll commemorate the souls who have departed before us, and we’ll also celebrate new life through the waters of baptism.

If you are someone you love would like to be baptized, we would we honored to walk that journey with you. Please reach out to Emily B or to Phil.

–Emily+ and Phil+

The generous financial support of All Soulsians makes our community and ministry possible. Throughout the year, we are highlighting ways that your support makes a specific difference in our communal lives.  

Because of You ... All Souls supports the Episcopal Diocese of California. 

As a member of the Diocese, All Souls pays an annual assessment, about 15% of All Souls' budget, to help fund the operation of the Diocese and it's work with local parishes and in the wider church. 

The Diocese, and its staff, provides congregational and leadership training, ministry development, and disaster relief for communities among other activities.

Your financial contribution allows All Souls to support the Diocese.


Our fall pledge drive, Answering the Call: All Souls 2025, will culminate with two events on Ingathering Sunday, October 27. 

AM - Ingathering Services @ 8:00 and 10:30. Nathan Brostrom will give the ingathering sermon and we will continue the All Souls tradition of offering our pledge cards at the altar.

6:00 p.m. – All Parish Ingathering Potluck at St. Mary Magdalen Parish on Henry Street. Sign up here.


–All Souls Operating Campaign Committee

Living Waters Weekly Update

Completion: the state of being finished.

Huge forward progress has been made recently and there is one aspect of the project completed! You will notice the new concrete walkway as you enter on Sunday.  The concrete is tinted “Harvest Gold” and will also be the color poured in the courtyard. 

As the pictures show, drywall has gone up in areas of the undercroft and the elevator is becoming a reality! We are still months away from the finish line but we are getting closer.

Egress stays the same this week and the next month.  Entrance is on Cedar, emergency egress is through the sacristy (follow the signs) and porta potties are available in the off street parking and at Jordan Court.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding!

Left: New entry concrete being finished; Right: poured footings at courtyard stairs.

Left: Elevator shaft; Right: elevator door opening in basement.

Sheetrock in downstairs hallway. 

–Ann Myers and the Property Committee

Announcements & Events

Happening This Week

Worship This Sunday

  • 8:00am, Holy Eucharist in Chapel. Please access the Chapel through the copper doors on Cedar St.

  • 9:15am, Adult Formation. Gathering Silence: deepening our prayer practices in the Jordan Court Community Room.

  • 10:30am, sung Eucharist (click here to access the live stream). Enter through the Cedar St. doors.

  • Wednesday 9am Eucharist Service, in the Jordan Court Community Room. Join us on Zoom here.

Reading Between the Lines Bible Study, Sunday @ 7:00a. Click here to join by Zoom, or join them in-person in the Jordan Court Conference Room.

Blessing of the Animals Join us at noon this Sunday (10/6) in the Jordan Court labyrinth courtyard for a blessing of the animals, in celebration of St. Francis. All pets (or photographs/mementos of pets) are welcome!

Adult Formation

Final week of “Gathering Silence: Deepening Our Prayer Practices,” led by the Rev. Marguerite Judson

Strengthen your relationship with the Holy One as we explore a variety of prayer practices together. Whether you are new to The Episcopal Church or looking for a booster to your current patterns, enjoy this drop-in class exploring how and why we pray and some resources to support individual prayer.

Oct. 6: Gathering Silence. Episcopalians don’t just “read to God” in our prayer life. We might listen in the silence of Centering Prayer and Breath Prayer, which will both be introduced in our final class.

We meet from 9:15 to 10:15 in the conference room of Jordan Court. If you have a copy of the Book of Common Prayer (electronic or print), please bring it with you. Hard copies will be available to use in the first three classes.

Coming soon in Adult Formation: “Church Meet State,” led by the Rev. Phil Brochard and friends

Have you been curious why more Episcopalians were signers of the Declaration of Independence and more Episcopalians have served as President of the United States than any other religious tradition? Do you struggle with what an appropriate Christian response to the Gospel might be in a country where Christian nationalism is on the rise? Do you ever wonder about Jesus of Nazareth’s own political ambitions? Are you trying to figure out how to live out your Christianity in a country that is becoming more polarized? To learn more about all of these questions join the Rev. Phil Brochard in conversation with two All Soulsians, Jim Copeland and Dr. Christine Trost on October 13th and 20th at 9:15am in the Jordan Court Community Room.

Children & Family

Sunday School: Sunday School (for kids pre-K through 5th grade) happens every week during the 10:30 service. Meet outside of main Cedar St. doors at the start of the service; teachers will lead you around the corner to our temporary classroom space.  (If you’re late, ask an usher for directions). Children will return to church at the “Peace.” 

Godly Play Training (originally on Sept. 7th) has been rescheduled for November 23rd, 9am to 1pm, at All Souls. All are welcome to learn about the spiritual formation of children! Email Emily B to sign up.

Donate Supplies for Sunday School: Do you have old craft supplies at home? We are seeking creative materials for our Sunday School classes: yarn, fabric, paint, collage paper, clay, sketchbooks, wood, etc… anything is welcome! Please hand off any donations to Emily B at church, or email her. 

To join our Children and Family mailing list, email 

Youth Program

Youth Group happens each Sunday from 7-8:30 pm.

This week (Oct. 6th): Pajama Movie Night! “The Letter” film

  • Watch and discuss a documentary about climate justice (with popcorn and movie snacks).

  • Pajamas & comfy clothes welcome!

  • Open to all youth 6th-12th grade

A reminder that this year, we are following a new structure for Youth Group. We will alternate between an all-grades gathering, and a high school small group, every other week of the month:

  • Weeks 1, 3, and 5: All grades, 6th-12th

  • Weeks 2 and 4: High school small group, 9th-12th

View and download our full fall calendar (Sept. - Dec.) here.

To join the weekly youth mailing list, email

Justice & Peace

Fundraiser for Unhoused Disabled Elders

Please see the following announcement on behalf of the Center for Independent Living:

We’ve seen a surge of encampment sweeps in the East Bay in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s April 2024 Grants Pass decision, a ruling which allows local and state governments to evict and criminalize people for camping in public even if they have nowhere else to go. In the last week alone, the City of Oakland forcibly displaced a long-standing unhoused community of primarily disabled elders at Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Grand Avenue in Oakland.

In response to the violence of these sweeps and the needs of our unhoused neighbors, Center for Independent Living is launching a fundraising campaign to serve the underserved. Their goal is to raise $5,000 to fund the cost of storage units for people who are houseless, elderly, and disabled. This fundraising ask sprung directly from urgent requests by displaced residents of Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Grand Avenue in Oakland, many of whom are Black, disabled elders.  Make an online donation at this link.

Hurricane Relief Episcopal Relief & Development mobilizes in coordination with local partners to provide assistance to those affected by Hurricane Helene. Please consider contributing to the Hurricane Relief Fund to support relief and recovery efforts.

Boost the Vote Thank you to those who have participated in Boost the Vote, a non-partisan letter-writing project with the goal of getting as many people as possible to the polls. If you’ve participated and you still have packets, please return them to Janet Chisholm as soon as possible, along with the list of names and the prepared letters in stamped envelopes. We look forward to sharing the results of this process soon.

Undergraduate Street Medicine Outreach Undergraduate Street Medicine Outreach (USMO) is a Cal student group that organizes outreach events every Saturday to bring food and resources to homeless encampments in Berkeley. These days, they are especially seeking donations of the following items:

  • Bottled water, water filters or bottles, or other purification devices– anything that helps provide clean drinking water. 

  • Basic hygiene products (toothbrushes, deodorant, bandaids, soap, etc.) 

  • Tarps, blankets, ground covers, and other shelter items. 

Please bring these donations to the red bin in the Narthex. Email Beth Christensen (beth.christensen) for donation and other direct volunteer opportunities with USMO. 

Pastoral Care

Stephen Ministry Program

Each of us has times when we are lonely, grieving, hurt, or in need of care. Stephen Ministry at All Souls seeks to share Christ’s love and healing power with people in our community during those times. Stephen Ministers are a team of highly trained lay ministers who provide one-to-one confidential spiritual care.

How does Stephen Ministry work?

A trained Stephen Minister is matched with a person experiencing a life crisis. The Stephen Minister then meets with the person one on one to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. He/she usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person typically once a week for about an hour. 

Stephen Ministry is appropriate for people experiencing many things, including: grief, divorce, hospitalization, physical rehabilitation, long-term care, chronic or terminal illness, job loss, loss of a home, the onset of a disability, and may other life struggles.

If you are going through a time of crisis or challenge, or know someone who is, please reach out to Emily B or to Referrals Coordinator Marilyn Flood for more information about Stephen Ministers.

Needs of the Community

Free Furniture A member of our community, Cathy Goshorn, is looking for a new home for a double bed — clean, including mattress, box spring, and frame. Free for pick-up anytime. Email if you’re interested.

Meal Train If you are in need of meals, or if you’d like to join this network to deliver food to others, please email Sarah Oneto at

Everything Else

Second Thursday Lunch Join us next Thursday, Oct 10th for a potluck lunch in the Jordan Court Community Room from 12:30 to 2:30 pm. (Note the new, slightly later start time). Contact Gloria Bayne with questions.

Stewardship Dinner Sign-Up All are welcome to join us for our annual Stewardship Celebration Dinner! October 27th from 6-8p at St. Mary Magdalen’s on Berryman Street in Berkeley. This is a super fun night together as a parish, celebrating the gifts of this church and each other. Sign-up here!

Young Adults Pumpkin Carving Meet at the Belgum's house on Monday, Oct 14th from 6:30-8:00 for Pumpkin Carving and tasty treats! Pumpkins will be provided but please bring your own carving tool if possible. RSVP to Tommy to reserve your pumpkin at

The discussion-based gatherings will continue at the Belgum's on Monday, October 21 from 6:30-8:00.

Stewardship Celebration Dinner Join us on October 27th at 6pm at St. Mary Magdalen church (2005 Berryman St) as we celebrate the end of stewardship month! RSVP using this link.


The Pathfinder: September 26th, 2024