After the Kickoff––More Information and a Single Pledge Goal

The fall pledge campaign, Answering the Call: All Souls 2025, began this past Sunday with the annual Kickoff Presentation. Nathan Brostrom described the tension between the vibrancy of the church and some of the current financial and staffing challenges All Souls faces.

Phil and Emily B laid out their vision for increased Welcome and Kinship ministries in 2025 and I shared some background on pledging and some considerations to keep in mind when deciding on a pledge level. The presentation is available on Youtube here, and is a worthwhile watch.

The pledging conversation has continued after the presentation. We’ve learned that many people have not been aware of the opportunities and challenges before us in 2025 or of how thinly the staff has been stretched in 2024. People also requested a defined pledge goal for the drive. So, here’s some additional framework for this fall’s pledge campaign. 

All Souls is an energetic, growing parish. We are drawing new members into our community, we have 20 children in Sunday School each week, we are renovating our campus to meet the next decades of service and, with the Isaiah Project, we are about to step into relationship with new partners that will open new possibilities for service.

And. We need a foundational shift in our pledging level. Over the last 10 years, pledging from members of the parish has not met our operating expenses. Income from the Jordan Fund and from space rental has covered the gap between the cost of the All Souls experience and what All Soulsians in the pews have supported financially. In 2025 the Jordan Fund has been expended and we do not have a current tenant for the preschool space. We must rely on the pledges we make now to set 2025 staffing, ministry support and building maintenance levels. 

The current core staffing levels, full time Rector, almost full time Associate Rector and half-time Associate for Ministry Development, do not provide the capacity to meet our current needs. Important work gets deferred, Emmaus Groups have been delayed, or dropped, even as the staff works more than their defined work-week and stretches to keep all the pieces of our parish moving. The current workload is unsustainable and is laying the groundwork for staff burnout. 

If we do not raise significantly more in pledges for 2025, we will likely need to reduce staffing below even the current, strained, level. We would all see and feel the impact of the reduction.

But, while there is risk there is also opportunity for growth at All Souls in 2025. In the presentation, Phil and Emily B highlighted some of the areas that bring vibrancy and energy to All Souls. Ministries that nurture children, youth, and newcomers and the sense of pastoral connection that binds us all together are all drawing people to worship at All Souls.

In the presentation Phil and Emily B shared their vision of bolstering those ministries by adding more staff, more ministry funding and beginning to meet the need for on-going building maintenance. They offered several staffing and funding scenarios based on a variety of pledge levels.  After reviewing the presentation and the feedback, the staff and I are now explicitly asking the congregation to raise $878,000 in pledges for 2025. This is the pledge level from the “Answering the Call - A” scenario. 

With $878,000 in pledges, this December the Vestry would have the opportunity to enhance support for Welcome and Kinship ministries and to focus on staff sustainability. That support could take a variety of forms and roles. The details would depend on the level of funding available for 2025 and continuing discussions between the Vestry, staff and ministry leads. 

This is a big shift in how we approach funding our common life. This is the first time in a bit that we are adopting an explicit pledge goal. We are seeking a large pledge increase, 25%, over last year’s pledge level. But this moment, with a talented staff, rehabbed space coming soon, and a congregation that has tackled big projects, seems like the right time to lean into the possibilities and seek the resources we need to answer God’s call. 

There is more information to come about the need to make this investment. We invite the conversation knowing that all abundance is here and that together we will step into 2025 with all we need.

–Richard Lynch for the AOC Committee

The Feast of St. Francis & The Blessing of the Animals

In September of 2023, our family decided to embark on a journey of community building and spiritual nourishment. All Souls was recommended to us by a good family friend, and after doing some research, we liked what we saw, specifically the community outreach and interfaith community building.

Much to our delight, just a few weeks after our first Holy Eucharist attendance, it was St Francis’ Day, and the blessing of the animals was held.  We brought our dog, a cream colored lab named Mabel, to the blessing, and she received the prayer and the sprinkling of holy water.  What a lucky dog!  We all feel that Mabel is a true member of the family, and she brings joy and comfort to the other three two legged creatures in our home, as well as to our extended family and friends.  Her mother’s name was “Please” and Mabel has inherited some of her mother’s disposition, she provides a calm presence when emotions run high, and can also be VERY playful and silly, which gets the good vibes going.  When we walk down the street with Mabel, people often look at her with curiosity and a smile, and we commonly hear friendly salutations directed just at her.  Suffice to say, Mabel brings very good  vibes to most, excepting folks who just don’t think they like dogs, and the occasional skateboarder.  (She’s not a fan!) 

Penny writes: Additionally, when we got Mabel, it was right in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, a very trying time for many. I felt especially isolated and lonely, having my normal routine taken away. I fell into a bit of a depression during that time, and it was Mabel who really got me out of it, and in many ways, saved me. I remember begging my dad to let us get a dog. I’m pretty sure I said the same thing every time, along the lines of, “I’m lonely, and I need a change of company.” (I was also slightly sick of being cooped up with the same two people 24/7). He would always say, “Like another cat?”. No, dad, I mean a dog. When he finally caved, I found out on Christmas morning of 2020, and I was beyond excited. When we finally got Mabel, the breeder placed her in my arms and her tail wagged so fast I thought it might fall off. I was so overjoyed and happy. She was the cutest, sweetest, most adorable creature I had ever seen, and to this day, nothing is as cute as Mabel when she’s happy. She even wags her tail in her sleep, and I like to think it’s because she’s dreaming about me. Or something like that.

There is data that shows that when dogs and humans interact in a “positive” relationship, oxytocin levels increase in both canine and human.  Oxytocin is known as the “love” hormone, and plays a very important role in infant and maternal bonding, as well as intimate partner bonding.  Additionally, cortisol, an important stress hormone, goes down in humans when they interact with their dogs in a positive way.  There is also ample data showing that living with pets has myriad benefits in health outcomes, including reduced blood pressure and heart rate, and improved mood and reduced loneliness.   

For our family, it makes perfect sense that a being that brings so much joy and comfort to our lives should be included in ritual blessing in our Church. We are so thankful to be able to do it again this year!

–Jay and Penny Armstrong and Linda Dulong (And Mabel)

Share Your Gratitude

And join us for some cake!

In the interim period between Dent Davidson’s departure and Matt Wolka’s arrival as Associate for Music, Carol Terry has once again stepped forward to lead the music on the organ and piano.

Our bass soloist, Liam Daley, has taken on the conducting duties during this time, leading vocal warmups and conducting anthems. Please join in celebrating their contributions with some cake following the 10:30 service on Sunday September 29th! Our All Souls Cake Club will supply the food; please come and let Carol and Liam know how much you appreciate their work! And take a moment too to thank Nat Lewis for his continuing leadership of the Angel Band!

–Anne Yardley

The generous financial support of All Soulsians makes our community and ministry possible. Throughout the year, we are highlighting ways that your support makes a specific difference in our communal lives.  

Because of You ... All Soulsians share many cups of coffee and tea, and a warm social moment, after each Sunday service. Fellowship after services is a wonderful way to reconnect and to meet new people every Sunday.

Your financial support pays the wages of our Sextons, Scott Garriott and Lassandro Wilson, who set up our Sunday coffee hour, and helps us to host so many events throughout the year.

+++Our fall pledge drive, Answering the Call: All Souls 2025, will culminate with two events on Ingathering Sunday, October 27. 

AM - Ingathering Services @ 8:00 and 10:30. Nathan Brostrom will give the ingathering sermon and we will continue the All Souls tradition of offering our pledge cards at the altar.

6:00 p.m. – All Parish Ingathering Potluck at St. Mary Magdalen Parish on Henry Street. Details and Sign-ups coming soon.

Thank you,

–All Souls Operating Committee

Living Waters Weekly Update

Project: a collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim. Our huge project is moving forward with framing started in some undercroft areas and new lighting going in.

The elevator shaft has been started too! This is a long process with many parts and your patience is appreciated. Entry is the same as last week, Cedar Street. Egress, in case of an emergency, is again through the sacristy and down and out. The porta potties and Jordan Court are the accessible bathrooms. Enjoy the pics of the upcoming elevator and a peek at the kitchen. Stay calm while we wait for our new spaces.

A view of the of the saw cutting in the elevator shaft New framing for kitchen roll up door. 

–Ann Myers and the Property Committee

Announcements & Events

Happening This Week

Worship This Sunday

  • 8:00am, Holy Eucharist in Chapel. Please access the Chapel through the copper doors on Cedar St.

  • 9:15am, Adult Formation. Gathering Silence: deepening our prayer practices in the Jordan Court Community Room.

  • 10:30am, sung Eucharist (click here to access the live stream). Enter through the Cedar St. doors.

  • Wednesday 9am Eucharist Service, in the Jordan Court Community Room (note the new temporary location, due to construction noise). Join us on Zoom here.

Reading Between the Lines Bible Study, Sunday @ 7:00a. Click here to join by Zoom, or join them in-person in the Jordan Court Conference Room.

Adult Formation

This week - Gathering Silence: Deepening Our Prayer Practices

Led by the Rev. Marguerite Judson

Strengthen your relationship with the Holy One as we explore a variety of prayer practices together. Whether you are new to The Episcopal Church or looking for a booster to your current patterns, enjoy this drop-in class exploring how and why we pray and some resources to support individual prayer.

Sept. 29: Using our Oldest Hymnal (aka Praying the Psalms). Discover some of the ways the psalms are built and can be built into our faith walk.

Oct. 6: Gathering Silence. Episcopalians don’t just “read to God” in our prayer life. We might listen in the silence of Centering Prayer and Breath Prayer, which will both be introduced in our final class.

We meet from 9:15 to 10:15 in the conference room of Jordan Court. If you have a copy of the Book of Common Prayer (electronic or print), please bring it with you.  Hard copies will be available to use in the first three classes.

Children & Family

Sunday School: Sunday School (for kids pre-K through 5th grade) happens every week during the 10:30 service. Meet outside of main Cedar St. doors at the start of the service; teachers will lead you around the corner to our temporary classroom space.  (If you’re late, ask an usher for directions). Children will return to church at the “Peace.” 

Godly Play Training (originally on Sept. 7th) has been rescheduled for November 23rd, 9am to 1pm, at All Souls. All are welcome to learn about the spiritual formation of children! Email Emily B to sign up.

Donate Supplies for Sunday School: Do you have old craft supplies at home? We are seeking creative materials for our Sunday School classes: yarn, fabric, paint, collage paper, clay, sketchbooks, wood, etc… anything is welcome! Please hand off any donations to Emily B at church, or email her. 

To join our Children and Family mailing list, email 

Youth Program

Youth Group happens each Sunday from 7-8:30 pm. Coming up…

Sept. 29th: Hopes and Prayers (All Grades)

  • Decorate your own mini prayer chest, learn about different types of prayer (thanksgiving, lament, petition, intercession)

  • Bonus game: Sleeping Bag Caterpillar Relay!

Sunday, Oct. 6th: Pajama Movie Night! “The Letter” film (All Grades)

  • Watch and discuss a documentary about climate justice (with popcorn and movie snacks).

  • Pajamas & comfy clothes welcome!

A reminder that this year, we are following a new structure for Youth Group. We will alternate between an all-grades gathering, and a high school small group, every other week of the month:

  • Weeks 1, 3, and 5: All grades, 6th-12th

  • Weeks 2 and 4: High school small group, 9th-12th

View and download our full fall calendar (Sept. - Dec.) here.

To join the weekly youth mailing list, email

Justice & Peace

(Inter)Faith in Action: Get-out-the-vote non-partisan letter writing event Sunday, September 29, 2024, 11:30am - 1:30pm @ Saint Paul’s Church, 2024 Ashby Ave, Berkeley, CA 94703

The Building Interfaith Bridges (BIB) group is sponsoring a non-partisan get-out-the-vote letter writing event. Congregants from three congregations - St. Paul AME church, congregation Beth El and All Souls Parish - are invited to address and send non-partisan letters to encourage people to vote. The event is being hosted, open-house style, from 11:30am-1:30pm on Sunday 29 September, at St. Paul AME church, 2024 Ashby Ave, Berkeley, CA 94703.  

Template letters, envelopes and stamps will be provided. You just need to show up and write as many letters as you’d like!  Feel free to bring a packed lunch and a snack or drink to share!

Please RSVP no later than TODAY, September 26. Hope to see you there! For more information and to RSVP, contact Paul Mathew:

Boost the Vote! “…it is the church’s responsibility to help get souls to the polls.”  - Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

This important effort is still ongoing! Please consider taking part:

 The All Souls Justice and Peace team invites you to help increase voter turnout by writing letters, following these easy steps:

  • Pick up from church 20 individual names, addresses, paper, & envelopes

    (The names come from Vote Forward’s analysis, identifying citizens in low voter turnout areas)

  • Write non-partisan notes to encourage voting

  • Add postage

  • Return to Janet or a church basket to be mailed on Vote Forwards’s assigned dates

  • Ask for 20 more…?

Contact Janet Chisholm, to request materials or to ask questions.

Undergraduate Street Medicine Outreach Undergraduate Street Medicine Outreach (USMO) is a Cal student group that organizes outreach events every Saturday to bring food and resources to homeless encampments in Berkeley. In addition to ongoing menstrual product donations, there is need for the following items: power banks, phone chargers, batteries, general hygiene and first aid products, and size 8 women’s shoes. Please bring these items to the red bin in the Narthex. Email Beth Christensen, ( for other volunteer opportunities with USMO. 

Pastoral Care

Stephen Ministry Program

Each of us has times when we are lonely, grieving, hurt, or in need of care. Stephen Ministry at All Souls seeks to share Christ’s love and healing power with people in our community during those times. Stephen Ministers are a team of highly trained lay ministers who provide one-to-one confidential spiritual care.

How does Stephen Ministry work?

A trained Stephen Minister is matched with a person experiencing a life crisis. The Stephen Minister then meets with the person one on one to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. He/she usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person typically once a week for about an hour. 

Stephen Ministry is appropriate for people experiencing many things, including: grief, divorce, hospitalization, physical rehabilitation, long-term care, chronic or terminal illness, job loss, loss of a home, the onset of a disability, and may other life struggles.

If you are going through a time of crisis or challenge, or know someone who is, please reach out to Emily B or to Referrals Coordinator Marilyn Flood for more information about Stephen Ministers.

Needs of the Community

Free Furniture A member of our community, Cathy Goshorn, is looking for a new home for a double bed — clean, including mattress, box spring, and frame. Free for pick-up anytime. Email if you’re interested.

Meal Train If you are in need of meals, or if you’d like to join this network to deliver food to others, please email Sarah Oneto at

Everything Else

Blessing of the Animals Join us on St. Francis Day, Oct. 6th, for a Blessing of the Animals! We’ll meet in the Jordan Court labyrinth courtyard after the 10:30 service, around noon. All pets welcome!

Stewardship Celebration Dinner Save the date for October 27th, 6-8p for a party you’ll not want to miss. Sign-ups coming soon!


The Pathfinder: October 3rd, 2024


The Pathfinder: September 19th, 2024