The Pathfinder: October 10th, 2024
Introducing Matt Wolka
Hello! I’m Matt Wolka, the new Associate for Music at All Souls Parish and I’m very excited to be beginning my ministry here. For me, the power of music is the power of connection and collaboration - and in all my experiences, I find the most joy when I’m immersed in music with a choir, an orchestra, a congregation, or a classroom full of kids.
Here are some fun facts about me:
Born in Torrance, California, but grew up in the Buffalo, New York area.
My dad went to Concordia Seminary in Saint Louis the same year I started at Northwestern University - he became a second career pastor and I graduated in Physics and went straight into the U.S. Navy.
After four years in the Navy (U.S.S. New Jersey, U.S.S. Normandy), moved back to Chicago and started working as a ballet pianist (River North, Hubbard Street, Joffrey and others) and a church musician at a historic UCC church (St. Peter’s, Skokie, IL).
Enjoyed playing organ, directing the choir and composing so much, I decided to return to school for a Master in Church Music from Concordia River Forest and have held Director of Music posts at a variety of churches including Roman Catholic (St. Benedict, Chicago; St. Perpetua, Lafayette), ELCA Lutheran (Trinity Lutheran, Evanston, IL), and Episcopal (St. James in the City, Los Angeles).
Founded and directed the Ravenswood Community Orchestra in Chicago, which just celebrated its 20th anniversary
Performed on stage as a pirate in a community theater presentation of Gilbert & Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance.
Journeyed for extended times in Poland (3 months) and Brazil (6 months) to learn more about the culture and music of these places.
Was a contestant on Who wants to be a Millionaire with Meredith Vieira.
Worked with organ builder Manuel Rosales in Los Angeles, including on the famous Walt Disney Hall pipe organ.
Crafted mini operas with elementary school students in Oakland and San Francisco as a Composing Teaching Artist with the San Francisco Opera
Since 2017, Produced 50-60 concerts per year, featuring chamber music, piano music and world music as Director of Old First Concerts ( in San Francisco.
I have three kids: Vee(12), Ezra(10) and Rosie(6 on October 19) who live with me 50% of the time. My partner, Mary, works for Genesis, a faith-based organizing network in Alameda County. My favorite outdoor activities are Golf and Water Aerobics, I am a fan of Peet’s Coffee, and someday I’d like to be a boat owner.
I look forward to meeting you all and collaborating with you on creating great music at All Souls!
–Matt Wolka, Associate for Music
All Souls DNA: 70 Years Ago
We can newly appreciate our forebears in the mid-1950s as we are tolerating the temporary space constraints and uncertainties of construction.
They embarked upon an audacious, completely disruptive construction project. The old guild hall, first building on the site, and the church they’d known for 50 years, were totally demolished and the ground beneath excavated to make space for what is now the church building. The north end of the beautiful parish hall, only 30 years old, was sheared off to create space for and then connect to what would be the new church building.
All Souls has some truly courageous DNA!
Left: The big picture; right: Parish hall open to the elements
Left: Open-air Bishop visit on nave floor; right: Gathering before service
Left: Former guild hall and west end of original church; right: Intersection of original church and parish hall
Thanks to Jill Churchman, of the Archive team, who found and recognized the importance of these slides, Charlie Myers who converted them to electronic form, and Kieran King who will do some finishing work on them for long-term retention.
–Marilyn Flood and the Archivist Team
In Memoriam:
Doris Pummill
It is with heavy hearts that we share the news that Doris Pummill, a long-time All Soulsian, passed away last Thursday. We trust that her soul has found rest in God.
Below are a few words from her dear friend, Janet Chisolm.
“I will miss Doris. She was strong. She had opinions. I still hear her insistent voice in my ear — cheering me on, caring, advising, advocating justice, or organizing some new project. Doris joined me in church on many Sundays. She loved and supported her husband, Father Joe Pummill, in his ministries. She was a big supporter of Bishop’s Ranch, where Joe had been Director. She lovingly cared for Joe in his declining health, and finally created a beautiful memorial service for him at All Souls. She missed him at her side.
Doris died October 3, 2024, in hospice at Piedmont Gardens, Oakland. There will be an event there to honor her on November 14th.”
–Janet Chisholm
October is under way! We are excited to continue share news and resources related to our annual pledge campaign.
Last Sunday, we heard from Kris Starr Witort as she reflected on the ways in which All Souls has shaped her life. You can watch her video below. We will continue to hear reflections from All Soulsians in the coming weeks.
In case you missed it, you can watch our Kick-Off Presentation introducing this year’s campaign here. You’ll hear from Emily+, Phil+, and members of our stewardship team as they describe our vision for All Souls in 2025.
Visit our new “Answering the Call” page for more.
Our fall pledge drive, Answering the Call: All Souls 2025, will culminate with two events on Ingathering Sunday, October 27.
AM - Ingathering Services @ 8:00 and 10:30. Nathan Brostrom will give the ingathering sermon and we will continue the All Souls tradition of offering our pledge cards at the altar.
6:00 p.m. – All Parish Ingathering Potluck at St. Mary Magdalen Parish on Henry Street. There will be designated tables for children and for youth; all are welcome. Sign up here by October 21st.
–All Souls Operating Campaign Committee
Living Waters Weekly Update
Continuation: the action of carrying something on over a period of time or the process of being carried on.
Progress is continuing in the undercroft with drywall and taping, getting ready for paint in the next few weeks.
The elevator is becoming a reality! The pit has been finished and work continues. We are still months away from the finish line but we are getting closer.
Final grading of the courtyard is in process and the pouring of cement will hopefully happen in the next few weeks.
All city inspections continue to pass with flying colors!
Egress stays the same this week and the next month. Entrance is on Cedar, emergency egress is through the sacristy (follow the signs) and porta potties are available in the off street parking and at Jordan Court.
Thank you for the continuation of your patience and understanding!
Left: Elevator shaft, from basement; right: elevator pit (which is dry)
Left: Taping of corridors and restrooms; right: downstairs corridor
Sheetrocking of kitchen.
–Ann Myers and the Property Committee
Announcements & Events
Happening This Week
Worship This Sunday
8:00am, Holy Eucharist in Chapel. Please access the Chapel through the copper doors on Cedar St.
9:15am, Adult Formation. Church Meets State with The Rev. Phil Brochard and two All Soulsians, Jim Copeland and Dr. Christine Trost, in the Jordan Court Community Room.
10:30am, sung Eucharist (click here to access the live stream). Enter through the Cedar St. doors.
Wednesday 9am Eucharist Service, in the Jordan Court Community Room. Join us on Zoom here.
Reading Between the Lines Bible Study, Sunday @ 7:00a. Click here to join by Zoom, or join them in-person in the Jordan Court Conference Room.
Lay Eucharistic Visitor (LEV) Training Join us from noon to 1pm this Sunday (10/13) in the Narthex to learn how to serve as a Lay Eucharistic Visitor. LEVs are All Soulsians who visit fellow parishioners at home to share Communion, prayer, and pastoral listening. All are welcome to learn more and discern a call to this ministry.
Adult Formation
First week of “Church Meet State,” led by the Rev. Phil Brochard
Have you been curious why more Episcopalians were signers of the Declaration of Independence and more Episcopalians have served as President of the United States than any other religious tradition? Do you struggle with what an appropriate Christian response to the Gospel might be in a country where Christian nationalism is on the rise? Do you ever wonder about Jesus of Nazareth’s own political ambitions? Are you trying to figure out how to live out your Christianity in a country that is becoming more polarized? To learn more about all of these questions join the Rev. Phil Brochard in conversation with two All Soulsians, Jim Copeland and Dr. Christine Trost on October 13th and 20th at 9:15am in the Jordan Court Community Room.
Children & Family
Sunday School: Sunday School (for kids pre-K through 5th grade) happens every week during the 10:30 service. Meet outside of main Cedar St. doors at the start of the service; teachers will lead you around the corner to our temporary classroom space. (If you’re late, ask an usher for directions). Children will return to church at the “Peace.”
Godly Play Training (originally on Sept. 7th) has been rescheduled for November 23rd, 9am to 1pm, at All Souls. All are welcome to learn about the spiritual formation of children! Email Emily B to sign up.
Donate Supplies for Sunday School: Do you have old craft supplies at home? We are seeking creative materials for our Sunday School classes: yarn, fabric, paint, collage paper, clay, sketchbooks, wood, etc… anything is welcome! Please hand off any donations to Emily B at church, or email her.
To join our Children and Family mailing list, email
Youth Program
Youth Group happens each Sunday from 7-8:30 pm.
This week (Oct. 13th) is our High School Small Group (grades 9-12): Meet in the nave at 7pm, and together we’ll walk to our location. This week’s topic is Identity and Self-Discovery.
Next week (Oct. 20th), all grades youth group returns. Our topic is Dia de los Muertos. We’ll do crafts and discuss cross-cultural perspectives on dying and celebrating life.
A reminder that this year, we are following a new structure for Youth Group. We will alternate between an all-grades gathering, and a high school small group, every other week of the month:
Weeks 1, 3, and 5: All grades, 6th-12th
Weeks 2 and 4: High school small group, 9th-12th
View and download our full fall calendar (Sept. - Dec.) here.
To join the weekly youth mailing list, email
Justice & Peace
Fundraiser for Unhoused Disabled Elders
Please see the following announcement on behalf of the Center for Independent Living:
We’ve seen a surge of encampment sweeps in the East Bay in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s April 2024 Grants Pass decision, a ruling which allows local and state governments to evict and criminalize people for camping in public even if they have nowhere else to go. In the last week alone, the City of Oakland forcibly displaced a long-standing unhoused community of primarily disabled elders at Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Grand Avenue in Oakland.
In response to the violence of these sweeps and the needs of our unhoused neighbors, Center for Independent Living is launching a fundraising campaign to serve the underserved. Their goal is to raise $5,000 to fund the cost of storage units for people who are houseless, elderly, and disabled. This fundraising ask sprung directly from urgent requests by displaced residents of Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Grand Avenue in Oakland, many of whom are Black, disabled elders. Make an online donation at this link.
Hurricane Relief Episcopal Relief & Development mobilizes in coordination with local partners to provide assistance to those affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Please consider contributing to the Hurricane Relief Fund to support relief and recovery efforts.
Undergraduate Street Medicine Outreach Undergraduate Street Medicine Outreach (USMO) is a Cal student group that organizes outreach events every Saturday to bring food and resources to homeless encampments in Berkeley. These days, they are especially seeking donations of the following items:
Bottled water, water filters or bottles, or other purification devices– anything that helps provide clean drinking water.
Basic hygiene products (toothbrushes, deodorant, bandaids, soap, etc.)
Tarps, blankets, ground covers, and other shelter items.
Please bring these donations to the red bin in the Narthex. Email Beth Christensen (beth.christensen) for donation and other direct volunteer opportunities with USMO.
Pastoral Care
Needs of the Community
Meal Train If you are in need of meals, or if you’d like to join this network to deliver food to others, please email Sarah Oneto at
Everything Else
Open Door Dinner Join us on Sunday, Oct 13th if you are in need of meal. ODD is seeking additional team members. Click here to contact Jennifer Akiyama with your interest.
Stewardship Dinner Sign-Up & Celebration All are welcome to join us for our annual Stewardship Celebration Dinner! October 27th from 6-8p at St. Mary Magdalen’s on Berryman Street in Berkeley. This is a super fun night together as a parish, celebrating the gifts of this church and each other. Sign-up here!
Young Adults Pumpkin Carving Meet at the Belgum's house on Monday, Oct 14th from 6:30-8:00 for Pumpkin Carving and tasty treats! Pumpkins will be provided but please bring your own carving tool if possible. RSVP to Tommy to reserve your pumpkin at
The discussion-based gatherings will continue at the Belgum's on Monday, October 21 from 6:30-8:00.
All Saints Sunday Every year on All Saints/All Souls Sunday, we read the names of those who have passed away in the last year. All names of the deceased on our Prayer List from the previous year will be included. If there are any additional names that you would like to have read that are not on that list, please e-mail Diana here.