For those who have been following the Sunday Night Service, you might have found yourself wondering what has happened to it. Here’s the latest.

At the beginning of this past summer it became clear to me that the weekly worship services of the Sunday Night Service needed to take a break. I felt that we needed some time to stop and reflect on what and who we were, rather than just plowing through the obstacles ahead. The obstacles? Well, on average, I was spending about 5-7% of my work week on the Sunday Night Service and it just was never enough. What started as a service of All Souls was turning out to be some folks' only entry back into church and their sole worshiping community.

They came looking for community, worship, conversation, and a pastor. I felt that I wanted to give so much more than I was able. Not only that, I most often showed up to the Sunday evening gatherings after having worked nearly 12 hours already, and usually working another 2-3 hours after the service, and it was just frankly, brutal. It was also really hard on my family, which is growing by one in December. More immediately (back in June), I was looking at taking a two week vacation out of town and was struggling to get the kind of back-up that I thought the service required due to the diminishing size of the core team; and it seemed that most regular attenders of the service were all away for the summer, making our weekly attendance very small. Both of these factors––the diminishing core team and the lower attendance––had been happening for the last year, very slowly, and causing me to wonder about the future of the service. 

Through the summer break, I met with the core team for the service (Jenn Ying, Jason Morrell, and Hillary Trainor), and we decided that given all the moving pieces to our individual lives (Hillary was stepping down from the core team over the summer and Jason had just began a new job as the Director of Worship at City Church in San Francisco, and I would soon be trying to welcome in a new baby into the Hansen Curran household), we needed to remain on break from the weekly worship services once the fall hit. This felt like a hard decision because of the folks who had grown to rely on the Sunday Night Service as their home worshiping community, but it felt like a clear decision to make about our Sunday gatherings.

But, over the past two years Sunday worship had become only one part of what it meant to be part of the community. Specifically we started gathering monthly at a beer garden in town to hang out and discuss an article or book; and we hosted Storytelling Dinners, which are gatherings in my backyard over dinner and a topic. And so while our Sunday worship had been diminishing a bit in attendance, these two other spaces were bringing in new folks and growing. And so there was clarity there as well: there is life still remaining in the Sunday Night Service. 

And so at this time, we have decided that this is a season of regrouping or pruning back so that we can grow into something more sustainable. We’re not totally sure what the future holds for this little community, but we are going to try to keep things simmering with the beer garden hang outs and the Storytelling Dinners, and see where things go in time. In the meantime, many of the folks who were attending the Sunday Night Service have started to attend Sunday mornings at All Souls! Many of them were on the retreat in September and seven of them were planning to become members at the New Member Ceremony we had on October 1, but couldn’t actually be present for the ceremony that particular Sunday. I trust they will continue to find a home in this larger All Souls community.

But there are still so many other folks (like those who attend the beer garden and the Storytelling Dinners) who want to be part of a church community and especially one that does not hold to the beliefs of the Evangelical church, but who are not ready to step back into a church. 

I would ask for your prayers, when you think of it, for us, and for me, as we discern a way forward and follow the Spirit towards the path ahead. I trust that things will become clear, as they have so far, and I know that the Spirit is at work.

–Emily Hansen Curran

Gutters and Roof and Chimney, Oh My!

Did you perhaps notice the Cedar Street ceiling stripes and wonder what was going on there? It is not a new decorating scheme but rather new boards on the roof. Thanks to the Living Waters capital campaign, gutters at ASEP have all been replaced, repairs made to the rust holes in the chimney, and all rot on the roof repaired or replaced!

We were aware that the gutters had some rot but certainly not to the extent that was found. The gutter system extends up the roof for a few rows so it was a known fact that there would be some replacement of wood and shingles.  As you can see from the pictures, it was not a simple repair! The damage was quite extensive in some areas and had obviously been going on for some time. But, now all is shiny and new! (The work was done by Westco Roofing who came in with a terrific crew, had great communication verbally and visually and cleaned up after themselves.)

Here are some pictures. Have you checked your gutters lately?

Heart’s Leap Preschool Upgrades

The area in the undercroft that is rented to a preschool, Heart’s Leap, has been included in some much needed repairs as well. Thanks to the use of some of our deferred maintenance funds, Martin Ortega spearheaded waterproofing the outside of the southern and western walls of the Parish Hall, the sealing and replacement of the flooring in the preschool classrooms, and we joined with our southern neighbors to make fence repairs. They should all stay dry and warm this winter!

–Ann Myers, Deferred Maintenance, Property Committee

Living Waters Capital Campaign Update

In early June, 2022, we celebrated the outpouring of generosity to the Living Waters capital campaign. Together, we envisioned what our space could be, how it could be transformed, to support our ministry in our 2nd century and All Soulsians made the financial commitments to bring those visions to pass.

As of October 1st, the Living Waters has received 146 individual commitments totaling $3,934,155 to be fulfilled in the three years between June, 2022 and May, 2025. The median Living Waters commitment was $5,000. 

Additionally, the Vestry has pledged $550,000 of the Jordan Gift to the campaign, bringing the total available for the renovation of our space and for the Isaiah Project to $4,484,155. 

To date we have received $2,202,409.88 in individual commitments and are ahead of the funding schedule we had anticipated based on givers’ report of their intended timelines.

Fully one-third of the givers have already completed their pledge and a handful have exceeded their initial commitment. Thank you! Twenty-percent of our givers have yet to make a contribution, but most of those had indicated they would be giving in the later years of the campaign. We appear to be on track to meeting the current commitments of $3.9 million.

And, we continue to welcome new financial commitments to the Living Waters Capital Campaign. Living Waters Commitment Form Receiving new commitments at this moment would make a huge difference. The Vestry is continuing to shape the Living Waters projects based on every dollar we expect to receive and there are still more construction budget decisions to come. New financial commitments would allow the Vestry and Property Committee to avoid having to make some tradeoffs and would let them make the best choices for the future of our space.

The active solicitation phase of the capital campaign ended June 2022. Since then, we have continued to welcome new members to our community. Making a commitment to the Living Waters could be part of putting down roots in this community and looking toward its future. 

And, 18 months ago, as we were asking for initial commitments, some people found that it was not a good time to take on a financial obligation. If your financial situation has changed and you can join the other All Soulsians who are supporting the Living Waters work, we would welcome your commitment.

The Living Waters Capital Campaign has been a sustained exercise in faith, generosity and community. It has allowed the Property Committee and Vestry to plan to reshape our building and look toward the future. If you have any questions about new or continuing engagement with this work, let’s talk.


–Richard Lynch

Two Minutes on Stewardship

Thank you for letting me share my thoughts about stewardship with you this morning. At my age, my spiritual life has gone through countless ups and downs, from the deepest possible faith in every word of the gospels to a simpler understanding that Love of God and Love of Neighbor is all I really need to know. But I love Church. Even when my faith has fluctuated wildly, if I show up on Sunday in this place, I know with certainty that the music, the preaching, the community, the gospel, and sometimes even the Letters of Paul, will lift my spirits and set me on a better path for the days ahead of me until the next Sunday.

Why I make a financial pledge of stewardship to All Soul’s Episcopal Parish is much more personal, much more intimate than “music, preaching, or even community.”

I give to All Souls Parish because I have bared my soul to more than a few of you about the trials and tribulations of mothering, and you have responded with great tenderness. At the healing station, Liz Tichenor and Madeleine Feeley have listened to my quivering voice when my son Michael was heavily into drugs. Later, Daniel Prechtel listened with deep thoughtfulness when I was able to give thanks for Michael’s newly found sobriety. All Souls Parish gives me strength in a world that can be crushing.

I give to All Souls Parish because during the worst of the Covid pandemic, you welcomed my older son Benjamin, a stranger in your midst, and included him in the work of the Social Justice Ministry. He found his passion volunteering with the homeless in Berkeley and now works with the homeless in Marin County. You changed his life and my life too. This Community transforms peoples lives.

I give to All Souls Parish because in 2018, Priscilla and I stood before you and shared the news that we had married, and you applauded our Love and commitment. All Souls Parish is a loving and welcoming Community to everyone, truly a gift in this current time of strife.

I give to All Souls Parish because the Eucharist saves my soul every time I receive it. It’s difficult to explain, for me, receiving the bread and the wine is a transcendent act of LOVE that sustains me through the ordinary and the extraordinary times. At All Souls Parish everyone is welcome to partake of the transcendent Love we call Eucharist.

I give to All Soul’s in gratitude for everyone who has faithfully pledged their time, talent and treasure for decades to this beloved Christian Community. These are the Saints in our midst, our role models in stewardship. Many are no longer living, but some are sitting in the pews with us this morning. That white haired woman, that grey bearded man. By comparison to them, Priscilla and I have only just arrived while they came early to the vineyard to labor. All Souls instills in me a spirit of Thanksgiving and a sense of hope, at a time when hope is in short supply.

My pledge to All Souls Parish is my way of saying “Thank you,” for the many prayers, endless strength, ready support, joyful welcome and genuine love that Priscilla and I have received here over the past 8 years. Ponder what All Souls Parish means to you. I believe that the Spirit will move within you, revealing to you the heights and depths, the length and width of her endless LOVE. But understand this, the greatest demonstration of thanksgiving for what God has given to this Community is a commitment to sustaining and nurturing this place with all of

its blessings that future generations may also know the bounty of God’s endless Love.


–Bonnie Bishop

Announcements & Events

Children & Family

Nursery The downstairs nursery is open and available to you for your use whenever you’re at All Souls. This is not a staffed nursery, so an adult must be there with your child, but if you need a quiet place to take a time out, change a diaper, let your child play or take a rest, the nursery is open for you to do all of those things. If there is a service going on that’s being livestreamed, you will be able to watch the livestream on the computer in the nursery as well.

Children’s Ministry  - Sunday School continues each week during the 10:30 a.m. service. Children head downstairs at the start of the service, then return after the “Peace.” See an usher if you need directions. 

Children pre-K to 1st grade: Godly Play (in the Godly Play 1 classroom)

Children 2nd-5th grade: Faith Explorers (in the Fiery Furnace room)

Youth Program - Regular Youth Group meets on Sundays from 7-8:30 pm in the Parish Hall.

Upcoming Youth Event: Beach day at Christ Church Alameda! On Oct 22nd, 12:30-3:30, join youth groups from around the Deanery for pizza, kayaking, and beach worship. Reach out to Emily B to RSVP.

If you are not receiving weekly Youth Program updates but would like to, please reach out to Emily B to be added to our mailing list.

Questions about Children, Family, and Youth ministry? Contact Rev. Emily B. (!

Adult Formation

Jesus, Power, and Privilege Join our Racial Justice Team as they teach our latest Adult Formation class. In this class we’ll explore our agency to create change in someone’s life, in our community and in the world and how Jesus addressed power and privilege. Join the racial justice committee in examining all this and how to apply it in our own life and at All Souls. Remaining meetings are October 8 and 15 in the Parish Hall and on Zoom. Click here.

Introduction to the Spiritual Autobiography Struggling with doubt and faith? This is one of the age-old dilemmas for thoughtful Christians, how much of this can we come to believe and what must be left to the ineluctable mysteries. Throughout the ages Christians have turned to writing their spiritual autobiography to help them find their way. Join us as we look at St. Augustine, Thomas Merton, Anne Lamott, Cole Arthur Riley, and others. (October 8, 15, 22) Small group – not on zoom – and meeting after the 10:30a service in the Common Room. Led by Jane Vandenburgh. Click here for more information.

Coming Up in Adult Formation: 12 Greek Words Every Christian Should Know (taught by L. Deihr and the Rev. Phil Brochard) The cultures that produced the Christian testament are significantly different from 21st century American life. By contextualizing 12 seminal Greek words found throughout the New Testament, we will grapple with the impossibility of translation, consider textual traditions and editions, try to enter into the cultural imagination of the Greek-speaking Mediterranean of the 1st century, and find out what difference that makes for us as Christians right now, today. (October 22, 29 November 12, 19)

Click here to see the new Adult Formation Calendar for 2023-24.

Events & Everything Else

Stewardship Celebration Dinner All are welcome to join us for our annual Stewardship Celebration Dinner on October 29th from 5:30p-7:30p. Please RSVP by clicking here. We’ll have dinner together first, and then move into the Nave for another round of Taskmaster where the staff will be challenged to a series of tasks and then roasted by the one and only Tim Ereneta. Don’t miss it!

All Souls/All Saints Day: Join us for our Feast of Title and church potluck following the 10:30a service! Feel free to bring a dish that reminds you of someone who has gone on before you (and include the ingredients so that folks with food allergies can eat safely). In addition to our Feast, if you would like to add a name to the list of those who have died for All Saints & All Souls Day, please add their name by clicking here.

Stephen Ministry Wish you had someone outside your family/friend circle to support your journey through a difficult or unfamiliar situation?  A Stephen Minister is a possibility. Stephen ministers are trained fellow parishioners who offer confidential care, prayer and listening hearts.  Contact Madeline Feeley or Rev. Emily B for more information or to connect with a Stephen Minister.

Flowers on Sundays at Church If you are interested in dedicating the flowers in the Church on Sunday mornings to a loved one or a particular remembrance, please fill out this form and indicate which day you would like to contribute the flowers and what you would like the dedication to say. The dedication will appear in our announcement sheet on the Sunday you have selected. The suggested contribution for flowers is $75, which can be paid to All Souls either electronically or by check (see the giving page on our website for more information there), and be sure to write in "flowers" in the memo line.

Please contact Maggie Cooke for any questions,

Justice & Peace Meeting Sunday, October 15 at noon, Parish Hall. Lots to discuss and decide: Advent Ingathering, Budget Support for 2024 and more. All are invited.

Sacred Earth: Growing Beloved Community When: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 6:00 PM pacific/ 9:00PM Eastern Time. Where: Zoom (Pre-Register Here). We continue our Fall series at Sacred Earth: Growing Beloved Community, our video webcast series exploring the intersections of faith, ecology, justice, and spirituality. Bishop Marc Andrus and Dr. Paloma Pavel will engage with Valentin (Val) Lopez, Chair of the Amah Mutsen Land Trust. We will learn of a new government/tribal band partnership engaging ancient Ohlone wisdom to prevent massive forest fires, and examine a new culturally-informed curriculum written by their community and introduced into the Santa Cruz, California school district. Val will also share a ceremony for keeping balance with our Sacred Earth. Please join us!

Support for Congregation Beth El Several years ago after an attack on a synagogue, a group of All Soulsians painted hearts on simple signs and stood in solidarity and support at Congregation Beth El before services. This week, after Hamas’ attacks on Israel, we will be present at Beth El once again with love and care. On Friday, October 13th at 5:15pm we will be meeting at Congregation Beth El near the Spruce Street entrance. Bring a sign in the shape of a heart so that we can together let our friends know that they are loved. All are welcome to join in services that evening.


You Are A Beloved Child of God


Deeply and Lightly