Worship Ministries
Lectors & Intercessors
Lectors read the appointed passages from the Old and New Testaments at Sunday services. They receive special training in proclaiming the Word to the gathered community.
Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People during Sunday services, calling us to remember the needs of the world for our journey through the coming week. To be trained, email emily@allsoulsparish.org.
Ushers & Oblators
Ushers also assist in greeting all worshipers into the main church and helping them find seating, as well as guiding people to the altar rail for communion.
Oblators carry the Eucharistic elements, the gifts of bread and wine, to the Table where they are blessed and returned in communion as the transformed body and blood of Christ. Email Renae Breitenstein to become an Usher, rrbreiten@gmail.com.
Healing Ministry
The healing team supports and trains those commissioned to lay on hands for prayer during Sunday morning worship. The team also seeks to develop healing ministry in members through prayer, study, and discussion of books or articles about Christian healing. Email phil@allsoulsparish.org if interested in joining this team.
Chalice Bearers
Chalice bearers are lay people who assist in serving the wine and bread at communion. To be trained, email emily@allsoulsparish.org.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Lay Eucharistic Visitors are trained to bring the consecrated communion elements to folks who are homebound or unable to attend the in-person worship services and who request to have communion brought to their home following the Sunday service. Email emilyb@allsoulsparish.org to be trained.
Sound & Camera
Our sound and camera crew run the sound board and the camera that runs our live stream on Sundays. The sound board is fairly straight-forward, but running the camera requires a bit more training. If you are interested email emily@allsoulsparish.org to be trained.
The sacristans prepare and care for the church altar and sanctuary whenever services are held in the main church or chapel. They maintain vessels and vestments associated with worship services, along with the many candles and torches used in procession and worship.
Flower arrangers prepare the flowers for Sundays and other services, as well as for weddings, memorials, and other special occasions.
Email Garett Estadt to become a Sacristan, garett.estadt@hotmail.com.
Acolyting at All Souls Parish combines both spiritual practice and a sense of discipline and awareness and the joy of taking part in the drama of worship. We have a large and enthusiastic team of acolytes who are a vital part of the Sunday service, assisting throughout the liturgy. Children 4th grade and up are invited to train and join the fun! Email emilyb@allsoulsparish.org to be trained.
Sunday School
Each Sunday during the 10:30a service, we offer Sunday School for kids aged 3-grade 5. If you are interested in volunteering with the kid’s programming, email emilyb@allsoulsparish.org. (Please note that after reaching out, you can plan for a conversation with the Rev. Emily Boring, a background check, and our diocesan safe church training for working with children).
Greeters welcome visitors and members to Sunday services and other special services, and assist in helping newcomers get acquainted life of this parish. to become a Greeter, email emily@allsoulsparish.org.
Anyone may join the choir, which sings every Sunday morning at the 10:30a service. You’ll just need to attend the rehearsal on the Wednesday evening prior to that Sunday. Email dent@allsoulsparish.org for more information.
Communion Bread Bakers
The whole-wheat bread and the gluten-free bread we use for communion is provided by a group of bread bakers who are members of the parish. To become a bread baker, email garett.estadt@hotmail.com.