Answering the Call: 2025

Below are the different ways to give to All Souls. Wondering which method of giving is best?

Web Pay: Pay your recurring pledge or make a one-time gift on our custom All Souls donate page.

Mobile App: Go to the Apple App Store, or Google Play and download the Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement app, create an account, sign in, and click the + symbol at the top to make your secure donation.

Bill Pay: Most banks provide a free on-line secure bill payment service – you can use your bank’s service to make a one-time or recurring payment to All Souls.

Check: You can write a paper check and mail it to the church office, or put it in the offering plate at a service. Please note the purpose of the gift on the memo line.

Cash: You can contribute cash to the offering plate at a service if you do not need a record for tax purposes.

Making an initial pledge? Fill out this form.

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