The best sermon I’ve heard at All Souls examined the unlikely miracle in Jesus’ parable of the mustard seed: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” (Matthew 13:31-32)

A tiny seed is a powerful engine, generating a miracle when we plant it carefully in the earth, water it and tend it. Stewardship, the act of nurturing our world, manifests our faith in the transformational power of giving and tending. The smallest of all the seeds generates homes for all kinds of birds.

God’s creation is the very essence of possibility and abundance. Recognizing this abundance in our All Souls community, I am reminded that gratitude and generosity create a spiritual home. Giving generously is an act of hospitality, a way to build one’s home.

All Soulsians have been thinking about homes this season as we celebrated our Homecoming Sunday on August 27th. We asked participants at the celebration to write about where they have found a spiritual home in their lives. Responses identified churches of different faiths as well as non-religious practices across the U.S. and around the world. Many described being welcomed ‘as you are’ into a community of acceptance, peace, music, and spiritual growth. It’s inspiring to consider how the more we can welcome others to our home, the more it can feel like home to us. 

During fall stewardship season we gather financial pledges to sustain and grow our community. Our pledge campaign funds operating expenses, about two-thirds of which funds our staff, both clergy and administration. Through our staff, All Soulsians nurtures the diverse ministries that makes this place a welcoming and ever-evolving spiritual home. 

Beyond the gift of financial resources, many All Soulsians offer their gifts of time and talent, volunteering with us to welcome others in so many ways – teaching, advising, creating art and music, serving those in need, caring for our space, advocating for social and environmental change. As a community we seek to identify and address many aspects of spiritual and human need so that those who enter this place might find a home and make a nest in these branches. 

Stewardship season kicks off Sunday September 24 with a 9:15 a.m. conversation about caring for and supporting this wonderful community.  We’ll be offering Boychik Bagels, spreads and coffee.

I’ve been helping with stewardship at All Souls for the past two years and I’m honored to lead the effort again. Through this work I’ve met such wonderful people on our vestry and finance teams, not to mention stellar members of our stewardship committee. We welcome new members!

I encourage you to look around, see the goodness in this community, and give generously to its growth in the coming year. Any pledge can be, like a mustard seed, a tiny miraculous engine to grow a home and secure a future. I look forward to getting to know you and hearing about your story of finding your mustard seed and planting it here at All Souls. May our mustard tree grow strong and tall. May all the birds of the air find a place to nest here.

–Deirdre Nurre

Retreat Reflections

What do you get when you put together thirteen youth, fifteen children, four adult leaders, and approximately forty-eight reusable water balloons? One of the many fun, adventurous, and chaotic events of Parish Retreat!

The weekend offered a balance of play and work, lightness and serious reflection. 

Building on the work of the Isaiah Project, each age group explored what it means to be “repairers of the breach and restorers of streets to live in” (Isaiah 58).

Through small-group discussions, adults learned about historical and present-day housing discrimination, educational inequality, and racial injustice, and discussed the way that All Souls resources may be used in the process of reparation.

The youth grappled with the history of red-lining and racial segregation in neighborhoods where many of them live now. 

The children learned about land acknowledgment. Through scavenger hunts and collage activities, they explored the Bishop’s Ranch landscape and learned about the indigenous peoples who call this place home.  

The weekend culminated in a “fish-bowl” activity during our Sunday Eucharist service. Several members of each group– adults, youth, and children– gathered in a circle to discuss what they’d learned about harm and repair, while the rest of the congregation listened. 

Perhaps two of the children summed it up best:

 “If you break something, you should fix it as soon as you can. Otherwise it will just get worse and worse over time.”

And, “Things that are broken get stronger once they’re repaired.” 


Our New Administrative Assistant

Hello all! My name is Diana Markley and I am thrilled to be your new Parish Administrator. My first day was yesterday and everyone has been so warm and welcoming thus far. I look forward to meeting many of you in the coming days and weeks.

In case you are curious about me, I have been a parishioner at St. John’s in Oakland for the last twenty years. I found St. John’s when I signed my preschool-aged kiddos up for a music class and I fell in love with both St. John’s and the Episcopal tradition. In fact, my children all grew up there, just like Phil! Speaking of kids, I had four in four years which was a bit dizzying but absolutely joyful. Malena, Elise, Will and Andrew (who also happen to be identical twins) are all in their twenties now and I enjoy their company immensely. I recently celebrated both my 30th wedding anniversary as well as 30 years of living in the Bay. What an amazing ride it has been so far!

I feel so grateful and fortunate to have landed here at All Souls Parish after spending the last decade of my work life focused on food insecurity at the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank and the Alameda County Community Food Bank. I am a proud graduate of the College of Social Work at Ohio State (Go Bucks!). Although my career has been incredibly rewarding, I felt a strong calling to shift my energies and pursue a long dormant passion to write. I’m hopeful that I will be able to contribute to the All Souls community in meaningful and supportive ways.

I hope you will reach out and introduce yourself. I’d love to get to know you.

In community,

––Diana Markley

Announcements & Events

Children & Family

Nursery The downstairs nursery is open and available to you for your use whenever you’re at All Souls. This is not a staffed nursery, so an adult must be there with your child, but if you need a quiet place to take a time out, change a diaper, let your child play or take a rest, the nursery is open for you to do all of those things. If there is a service going on that’s being livestreamed, you will be able to watch the livestream on the computer in the nursery as well.

First Day of Sunday School! This Sunday! 

Pre K- 1st grade: Godly Play

2nd-5th grade: Faith Explorers 

Sunday School will begin at 10:30am. Children will head downstairs at the start of the service, then return after the “Peace.” See an usher if you need directions. 

Youth Program - Our Youth Program Kick-off Event is this Sunday, Sept. 24th. Join us after the 10:30am service (around noon) to meet other youth, get to know the leaders, play games, and help us vision for the new year. Rainbow donuts will be provided! 

Parents/youth: Bring your calendars, because we’ll discuss the permanent day/time of Youth Group this fall. 

Questions about Children, Family, and Youth ministry? Contact Rev. Emily B. (!

Adult Formation

Jesus, Power, and Privilege Starting October 1, the Racial Justice Team is teaching our next Adult Formation Class (during the 9:15a hour) called Jesus, Power, and Privilege. In this class we’ll explore our agency to create change in someone’s life, in our community and in the world and how Jesus addressed power and privilege. Join the racial justice committee in examining all this and how to apply it in our own life and at All Souls. October 1, 8, 15 in the Parish Hall and on Zoom. Click here.

Click here to see the new Adult Formation Calendar for 2023-24.

Events & Everything Else

Stewardship Launch You all are invited for Boichik Bagels at 9:15a in the Parish Hall on September 24th, to kick off this year’s Stewardship Campaign. We’ll have an interactive discussion and presentation by the Stewardship committee as well as an opportunity to meet our new Associate Rector, Emily Boring.

Tidepooling Expedition Reminder: the All Souls Tidepooling Expedition is coming up next Saturday, Sept 30th! Join Associate Rector Emily B (a marine biologist!) for an afternoon of exploration. All ages welcome!

When: September 30th, 4-5:30 pm, to catch the low tide 

Where: Fitzgerald Marine Reserve near Half Moon Bay. Meet in the free parking lot by the ranger station. 

Optional dinner to follow. Please sign up using this form by Friday, Sept 29th, or reach out to Emily B (

Stephen Ministry Wish you had someone outside your family/friend circle to support your journey through a difficult or unfamiliar situation?  A Stephen Minister is a possibility. Stephen ministers are trained fellow parishioners who offer confidential care, prayer and listening hearts.  Contact Madeline Feeley or Deacon Emily for more information or to connect with a Stephen Minister.

Spaghetti Again Men’s Dinner Join some of the men from this parish for a monthly dinner in the Parish Hall on September 25th at 6p. Please bring good appetites, a beverage to share, and ideas for meeting topics and format.RSVP! (For non-French speaking friends, Let us Know if You’re Coming!) (LUKIYK) to Bob Cross,

Blessing of the Animals October 1st just after the 10:30a service in the courtyard (pets are welcome during the service, too!).


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