The Very Rev. Dr. Peggy Patterson

Peggy (she/her) is recently retired after ten years as Dean of the Cathedral Church of Saint John in Wilmington DE. She has also served as Chaplain and Head of the Religion Department at The Episcopal School of Dallas, Canon Pastor of St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Dallas, and Associate Rector at the Church of the Holy Faith in Santa Fe, NM. In retirement, Peggy also served as a Hospice Chaplain in Santa Fe and surrounding Pueblos and villages. Peggy has three children and five grandchildren. They live in suburban New York, Dallas, and Albany, CA. Her passions are music, travel, dinner with friends, reading, Centering Prayer, and Pilgrimage. Peggy has led Pilgrimages to Assisi, Taizé, France, and Chartres and loves her Ten Day Silent Retreats at St. Benedicts Monastery in Snowmass, CO. Peggy also teaches Introduction to Pastoral Theology at the  Church Divinity School of the Pacific as Adjunct Faculty.