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The Great Vigil of Easter

All are welcome to join us for our Easter Vigil where we begin outdoors in the courtyard, around the fire (dress in warm clothes!) and finish the night in celebration of the risen Christ with the Eucharist and finally a reception following the service where the latest Ale Souls brew will be released.


Our Easter Vigil is a journey—a metaphorical one and a physical one, with stations along the way. We come in from the dark and cold, and rest a while around the campfire. We pass the baptismal font, carrying the light of Christ to the world, calling the saints to rejoice with us.

We return to the church, where our primitive fire has grown from a single spark to radiate light all around us. And finally, having received the risen Christ in the sacramental elements of bread and wine—our food for the journey—we carry that same light within us as we return to the world, living as Easter people. All are welcome.

April 19

Holy Saturday

April 20

Easter Sunday 9:00a