Emmaus Groups

Our vision for Emmaus Groups is simple: to gather and journey together in small groups in order to deepen our understanding of what it means to follow Jesus.

The name comes from the resurrection story in Luke 24:13-53 where Jesus meets two apostles talking and journeying to Emmaus. Discussing their dejection and then amazement at having just discovered that Jesus' body was not in the tomb, Jesus appeared to these two men. They, however, did not recognize him. Not until they were at dinner, seated around a table, when the bread was blessed did their eyes open and could they name that their hearts had been on fire while on the road with this stranger, and that this stranger before them was Jesus. The presence of Jesus was with them on their journey––in their questions, as they wrestled with their sadness and amazement––even when they could not see him. Emmaus groups journey alongside one another to help each other see these same moments in our own lives.

Emmaus Groups meet every-other-week (or every week, if the group decides), as groups of no more than 12, in 16-week covenanted periods throughout the year. By "covenant" we mean simply that for 16 weeks folks will be committed (covenanted) to meeting. At the end of the 16-week period the groups can decide to continue to meet, open up to new members, or stop meeting as a group.