
Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Third Sunday of Easter

the Rev. Emily Boring

Focusing on the ministry of presence, the sermon illustrates how small, physical gestures can offer immense comfort during crises. Through stories from hospital chaplaincy, the speaker describes how simply being present and offering physical tokens of comfort, like holding a hand or providing a quiet presence, can deeply affect those suffering. This approach demonstrates the deep impact of embodying Christ's compassion and presence.

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Sermons Emily Hansen Curran Sermons Emily Hansen Curran

the Great Vigil of Easter

The Rev. Emily Boring

Reflecting on her first Holy Week at All Souls, the Rev. Emily explores the deep connection between personal faith and communal expression. The sermon delves into the emotional journey from Good Friday's solemnity to Easter Vigil's joy, illustrating how communal practices can mirror and magnify personal spiritual experiences. It concludes with a powerful message of unity and hope found in the shared celebration of Christ's resurrection. As members of Christ’s resurrected Body, we are never alone in our darkness or despair.

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Sermons Philip Brochard Sermons Philip Brochard

the Fourth Sunday of Lent

the Rev. Emily Boring

The Rev. Emily Boring reflects on what it means to trust in the living and resurrected body of Jesus the Christ. What does this trust offer us in times of fear, uncertainty, grief, and change? It draws on the work of German theologian Paul Tillich, who writes about sin as the state of separation: separation from true self, from others, and from God. To trust in the body of Christ means trusting that connection, relationship, and love are stronger than separation, and acting from that conviction. Emily reminds us that we are the living body of Christ in the world, and asks the listeners to consider what that identity calls us to do.

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Sermons Philip Brochard Sermons Philip Brochard

the First Sunday of Lent

the Rev. Emily Boring

The sermon addresses the Lenten themes of wilderness, suffering, and hope. It encourages viewing Lent as a time for reflection, self-discipline, and reorientation towards God. The preacher emphasizes the importance of acknowledging suffering while also focusing on the transformative power of hope and the promise of Easter.

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