Vision Statement

All Souls’ Vision Statement

We seek to follow Jesus in his boldness, courage, and compassion. As a parish we are called to live into a shared vision:

Loving God, we worship in joyful celebration and in prayerful stillness. All Souls’ services, rooted in foundational Anglican faith and practice, integrate varied musical styles, the richness of the arts, and liturgies responsive to the needs of our community. Strengthened by our common devotion, we strive for the reconciliation of a broken world through our daily practices, our mutual ministry, and our struggles for justice.

Following Jesus, we open our hearts to all. We invite all who seek Christ deep into our parish family, engaging individual gifts through mutual discernment. We foster spiritual kinship with one another, especially across generations and diverse backgrounds. Teaching and learning at every stage of life strengthens us for discipleship, preparing us to love, to lead, and to serve. Families flourish at All Souls, and our youth come to know Christ through spiritual formation, action in the world, and meaningful participation at the center of our parish life.

Trusting the Spirit, we challenge ourselves to be vulnerable and to forgive freely. We confront barriers to inclusion within our hearts, our practices, and our facilities. We encounter the Holy through Gospel-inspired service, working side by side with our sisters and brothers in the wider community.  We engage in this transformative ministry in communion with the larger Church and in collaboration with all who share our vision, our resilience strengthened by the grace of God made known to us in the self-giving love of Jesus Christ.